Master the art of swimming
Learning how to swim effortlessly is a lifelong learning process.
With every step forward you will explore new and more options to improve:
a more precise catch, a clearer timing, a balanced rotation, a deliberate recovery.
Our trained coaches can capture fine details with the video analyses in our swim-lab and thus optimize your swimming biomechanically.
the faster you swim the more resistance you have: the drag increases quadratically proportional to the speed of the moving body in the water.
So reducing drag and optimizing propulsion are essential to increase your swimming speed.
To focus on these key elements we deliver the tools in our speed-clinic and make you swim faster in a more intelligent way.
For the brain and our learning process it is much better to train shorter distances but highly focussed than longer distances and you think about your shopping list.
A plus: a deliberate practice is a very good mental training for competitions or races.
In addition we offer seminars to different swim topics like:
- the classic swimming mistakes: origin and solution – understanding of the biomechanics
- horizontal body position: the mystery of the floating legs – your torso is the key
- high elbow: what exactly is it? – the myth and the (biomechanical) truth
- the stroke (pull/push/recover): catch as catch can – the nomenclature causes confusion
- leg kick: too much or not enough – what does make sense?
- bilateral breathing (breathing to both sides): an issue for many swimmers – but easy to solve
Injuries and pain:
Shoulder pain (or also knee, hip or neck pain) are a frequent topic among swimmers.
In most of the cases these problems are based on physiologically inappropriate movement patterns with various reasons.
So a correct movement (following the joint mechanics) can prevent injury and pain – and it could be part of the solution with existing problems.